Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Who's the birthday girl?

Hey guys :) Yesterday was my 16th birthday or like someone call it "Super sweet sixteen"!!! I can say with no doubt that this was one of my best days ever, I won't use the word "sweet" because of how The Verve have said - "'Cause it's a bittersweet symphony, this life". I realised how many true friends I have. They made me so happy with all of the lovely words and sweet wishes they said to me. I got a beautiful bouquet from my BFFs and amazing presents, which I will show you later :)) I brought my camera at school and made some pictures with my friends, which you can see below. The skirt that I wear is from Tally Weijl and I bought it a few days before my birthday. I really like this a-simetric trend.

This was my little present for my closest friends :)

Skirt  Tally Weijl
Shirt  Terranova
Shoes  Unknown
Bracelet  Pаpieta Handmade

Monday, 21 May 2012

Old Sofia

Like every old city, Sofia has her secret places where you feel far from the cars, the people and the noise. I found this backyard with this beautiful door on onе of the small streets in the center of the city!!! I think, this will become my favorite spot for shooting. I feel like I am in Wien or Budapest when I see something like this here, in Sofia where the beautiful building are replaced with ugly modern buildings which I call "glass-houses"...But remember, you can always find "your place" :)

Top  H&M
Pants  Zara
Denim jacket  SecondHand
Flats  H&M
Bag  Bershka

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Smile even when the weather doesn't

After the beautiful sunny days, the rain decided that we had have enough of the sun and came back :( But... I think that shouldn't bother us, just take out your rainy clothes and put a smile on your face - it always helps in the cloudy days :)

Тop  H&M
Leggings  Zara
Blazer  H&M Boy
Shoes  Unkown 
Bag  Cropp Town

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Friday, I am in love The Cure have said in one of their songs. I decided to celebrate love with this outfit. I've found this skirt in one of the many second-hand-shops in my hometown and I think I've gave only 1 euro for it!!! The top is from House and has this beautiful lettering on it - Amour, Je t'aime... And of course my favorite Ray-Ban glasses, which complete all of my outfits. I hope you'll like it...

T-Shirt  House
Cardigan  SecondHand
Skirt  SecondHand
Shoes  Unknown 
Glasses  RayBan 
Bag  Mods